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Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting 02/28/2005
Members Present: Mr. Baroody, Mr. Darrow, Ms. Brower, Mr. Westlake, Ms. Aubin, Mr. Rejman
Member Absent: Ms. Marteney (called)
Staff Present: Ms. Hussey
Staff Absent: Mrs. Hoffmann, Mr. Hicks
APPLICATION APPROVED: 16 – 18 Holley Street
Mr. Rejman: Good evening, this is the Zoning Board of Appeals.  Tonight we have one item: 16 – 18 Holley Street
16 – 18 Holley Street, R-2. side yard variance of 3’ for two-story addition to house; and 50 square feet area variance of the 150 square foot allowed for accessory structures on the lot.  Douglas and Mary Lawson.
Mr. Rejman: 16 – 18 Holley Street, are you here?  Come forward please, and state your name for the record.
Mr. Lawson: Doug Lawson.
Mr. Rejman: OK, Doug, what would you like to do there?
Mr. Lawson: We want to put an addition on the back of the house.
Mr. Rejman: Looks like you just need a side yard variance?
Mr. Lawson: Yes, and also Brian Hicks mentioned about a shed being too close or something like that, we have to have a variance for one of our sheds that we have on the property.
Mr. Rejman: You want two sheds you need a variance for a shed.  OK, the reason for the addition?
Mr. Lawson: To bring my parents to live with us because my father is ill and my mother is ill, we are not adding an apartment, we are just adding basically a living room, bedroom and bath on the back of the house for them to stay in plus we are adding to the upstairs like a second level but not as far out for future use. 
Mr. Rejman: You turned in a nice application and the plot plan is very good.  Questions from the board?  Come on they drove all the way up here you have got to ask them one question!  (Everyone laughs) 
Mr. Lawson: Didn’t have to go that far!
Mr. Rejman: This is pretty generic; you did a nice job with the application. 
Mr. Darrow: When you have a good application, you don’t have a lot of questions!
Mr. Baroody: Having the plan is good. 
Mr. Rejman: Last call for questions.  I am going to close the public portion, it is going to be a very short meeting tonight.  Have a seat. I usually ask is there anyone wishing to speak for or against?
Mr. Lawson: We are together and they are for it.
Mr. Rejman: Questions, concerns, comments?
Mr. Darrow: The application speaks for itself, it is an excellent application when you look at the proposed addition, no side does it extend further than the current footprint of the house, and there are no protrusions. 
Mr. Rejman: It is not huge.
Mr. Darrow: It is minimal and when you consider it would be a disservice if he was to bring the addition in 3 foot just not to meet the variance, then the house would not line up.  It is not like he is trying to encroach the property line, he is just trying to maintain his own property line.
Mr. Rejman: And the thing about two sheds, big deal.
Mr. Westlake: It is another small City lot.
Mr. Darrow: I would like to make a motion that we grand Douglas and Mary Lawson and Ann Haviland a 3 foot side yard variance for the purpose of constructing a 24 x 32 ½ foot addition to the property at 16 – 18 Holley Street as plot plan submitted and also a 50 square foot accessory structure variance for the purpose of maintaining the second accessory structure.
Mr. Westlake: I second that motion.
VOTING IN FAVOR: Mr. Baroody, Mr. Darrow, Mrs. Brower, Mr. Westlake, Ms. Aubin, Mr. Rejman
Mr. Rejman: Application has been approved.
Mr. Lawson: Thank you.
Mr. Rejman: Meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m.